невысказанные ей, конечно, вопросы. Впрочем, легче не стало.
--- Цифры
--- Персонажи - Волька - Претензии
--- Персонажи - Мак-Гонагалл
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Образование
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Общественное устройство
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Долголетие
--- Мироустройство - Маги - История
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Животные
--- Эталоны - Поступки - Насилие и агрессия
--- Эталоны - Взгляды - Добро и зло
Категория: Мироустройство - Маги - Образование
Question: Do wizards and witches have to go Muggle school before they go to Hogwarts?
J.K. Rowling responds: No, they don't have to.
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Общественное устройство
--- Персонажи - Волька - Претензии
Question: How does the Dark Lord affect American wizards and witches?
J.K. Rowling responds: He affects everyone, but his plan is European domination first.
Категория: Просто инфа
Question: Which house was Lily Potter in, and what is her maiden name?
J.K. Rowling responds: Her maiden name was Evans, and she was in Gryffindor (naturally).
Категория: Просто инфа
Question: Is there something more to the cats appearing in the books than first meets the eye? (i.e. Mrs. Figg's cats, Crookshanks, Prof. McGonagall as a cat, etc.)
J.K. Rowling responds: Ooooo, another good question. Let's see what I can tell you without giving anything away....erm....no, can't do it, sorry.
--- Эталоны - Поступки - Насилие и агрессия
--- Эталоны - Взгляды - Добро и зло
Question: How did the Dursleys explain away the tail when Dudley had to have it removed at the hospital?
J.K. Rowling responds: They went to a private hospital where the staff was very discreet, and said that a wart had got out of control.
Категория: Цифры
Question: How many students attend Hogwarts, and how many students per year per house?
J.K. Rowling responds: There are about a thousand students at Hogwarts.
Категория: Просто инфа
Question: Did you ever make a study of herbs and other Hogwarts subjects, or did you create all those classes from inspiration?
J.K. Rowling responds: Most of the magic is made up. Occasionally I will use something that people used to believe was true — for example, the "Hand of Glory" which Draco gets from Borgin and Burkes in Chamber of Secrets.
Категория: Персонажи - Мак-Гонагалл
Question: In the second book, Harry and Ron went to the girls' toilet and met McGonagall. They told her that they were going to visit Hermione, and she started crying. Why?
J.K. Rowling responds: She found it very touching that Harry and Ron were missing Hermione so badly (or so she thought). Under that gruff exterior, Professor McGonagall is a bit of an old softy, really.
--- Цифры
--- Мироустройство - Маги - Долголетие
Question: How old is old in the wizarding world, and how old are Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall?
J.K. Rowling responds: Dumbledore is a hundred and fifty, and Professor McGonagall is a sprightly seventy. Wizards have a much longer life expectancy than Muggles. (Harry hasn't found out about that yet.)
Категория: Просто инфа
Question: Do you think elementary-age children will be able to read the other three books in the series?
J.K. Rowling responds: Yes, I do. I personally feel the books are suitable for people aged 8 years and over. Though my daughter, who is seven, has read them all and not been very frightened — but maybe she's tough, like her mother!
Категория: Устройство мира - Маги - История
Question: Ms. Rowling, for being fictional books, the Harry Potter books have a great grasp of the Latin language. I have noticed that many, if not most, of the names and incantations are of Latin heritage. How much research does it take to give these books their Latin heritage?
J.K. Rowling responds: My Latin, such as it is, is self-taught. I enjoy feeling that wizards would continue to use this dead language in their everyday life.
(а на чем они говорили ДО латыни?)
Категория: Мироустройство - Маги - Животные
Question: Why did you choose the owl as the animal messenger in your books?
J.K. Rowling responds: Owls are traditionally associated with magic, and I like them.